Ellen guides you in Mind Body Energy practices to show how centeredness feels.
Teaches Intuition Skills you can apply anywhere.
Ellen's Intuition Skills:
Promote emotional & cognitive clarity
Enhance decision-making
Create a relaxed yet alert state of body and mind
Cultivate environments conducive to productivity and wellness
Elicit awareness of how intuition is perceived
Support creative problem solving
Staying centered -- present and focused -- allows you to better observe your reactions and subtle perceptions under pressure and respond effectively.
Focusing on the present moment produces the relaxation response, which has been shown to reduce stress and cultivate insight. 75% or more of all doctor visits are stress-related.
Developing sensory and body awareness connects you with how your subconscious communicates your innate wisdom to your conscious mind.
Delivered in a variety of formats
Services are provided to clients in a variety of settings through one-on-one sessions and through group workshops. Potential venues include conferences, retreats, workplace wellness programs, and special events.
Widespread Use
Meditation and other mind body energy practices are key intuition enhancers. According to MarketWatch.com, numerous large corporations provide meditation instruction and rooms since research shows that meditation improves problem solving skills and lowers stress.
Furthermore, many successful corporate executives and research and development managers use their intuition to innovate in the workplace, reports Milton Glaser in his March-April 1995 Research Technology Management article “Measuring Intuition.”
Ellen, You knocked the ball right out of the ZOOM Stadium! Your presentation on "Intuition" was a huge success. The students in our San Jose State University "Complementary and Alternative Health Practices" course were so engaged (a rare feat when using ZOOM), and they so appreciated hearing your expertise and experience. I can never thank you enough for your beautiful heart and willingness to spend the evening with us.
- Caroline Haas, Educator, San Jose, California
My work with Ellen helped me to prioritize my action plans and to use intuitive, creative thought to make better decisions and to grow my firm. I use the skills wherever I go.
- High Tech Entrepreneur, Silicon Valley, California
Useful tools. I appreciate relaxing and connecting with my inner guidance.
- University Administrator, San Francisco Bay Area
Ellen was great at getting to the heart of the matter. I felt that she had tuned in right away to the imbalances at hand, both in myself and my cat, Tallulah, while we were both in the midst of a huge transition in our lives. Since the healing, Tallulah has calmed down considerably in her new home and has seemed grateful that someone has given her a voice. I, myself, have calmed down as well, and am having an easier time taking one thing at a time instead of reacting to everything at once. I appreciate the work that Ellen is doing to make people's (and our loving quirky creatures) lives easier!
- Anne O'Shea, Assistant to the Sales Director, Sounds True, Louisville, CO
The energy work that I did with Ellen helped me to let go of a very difficult emotional issue that I was wrestling with for two years. We even did this work by phone, and it was very effective. Thanks, Ellen."
- Gina Orlando, Oak Park, IL
My work with Ellen transformed my relationship with my spouse. I am now more empathetic and feel closer to and less judgmental of my wife.
- Physician, San Francisco Bay Area
Ellen helped me notice the difference between relaxation and muscle tension. Her soothing voice calmed my mind and relaxed my body. I now have greater body awareness.
- University Administrator
Prior to Reiki my knee swelled after exercise. I had to enter and exit my car using my arms to pull myself out or ease myself in. Getting out of bed required stretching and flexing to prevent pain. After 15 minutes with Ellen, I got up and went on about the rest of my life with no knee pain. None. Zero. No kidding. I started running again, and 4 months later began officiating high school lacrosse games.
- Ned Dibble, Former All-New England, Football & Lacrosse
Ellen helped my cat Kerry heal her wounded paw. Before Ellen, she limped around putting no weight on her left foot. The day after Ellen worked on her, Kerry bounded around the house on all four paws.
- Pet Owner, Silicon Valley, California
I highly recommend Ellen's skills in distance healing. In my recent sessions with her, I found her to be precise, highly skilled, very attuned and overall very effective at helping to heal, balance and restore my natural energy. I also appreciated her sincerity, care and highly ethical approach.
- Arupa Tesolin, Author/Speaker/Trainer, Canada
Please know how much all of this is helping me. You are a beautiful and wise healer.
- Gina Orlando
I want to thank Ellen for her incredible healing energy. At the IRVA conference, she noticed I was experiencing neck pain and offered to perform energy work on me, even from a distance due to Covid precautions. To my surprise, within minutes, my pain completely disappeared.
The next day, when the pain returned, Ellen once again worked her healing energy from several feet away, and the results were just as effective—the pain vanished entirely. The fact that this happened twice, with no physical touch involved, was remarkable and convinced me of Ellen’s genuine ability.
Her remote healing provided real relief and proved to me how powerful her energy work can be. Thank you, Ellen, for your kindness and care!
Jay D.